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#QuestionsForMen is the latest hashtag doing the rounds on Twitter - what's it about?

The hashtag has invited women to share instances of everyday sexism.

THE LATEST HASHTAG to do the rounds on Twitter is #QuestionsForMen.

But what’s it all about?

The hashtag was created by Australian columnist Clementine Ford and invited women to ask rhetorical questions of men in the hopes of highlighting instances of casual sexism and double standards.

In an op-ed written for Daily Life, Ford explained the thinking behind the hashtag.

Under the hashtag #QuestionsForMen, I began to ask questions relating to what I assumed were sexist double standards. Some were intended as genuine enquiries while others were designed to highlight what I knew to be hypocritical approaches to genderedbehaviour.

It quickly picked up steam with women and men using it to discuss issues of safety, harassment and discrimination.

According to Topsy, over 14,000 tweets using the hashtag have been sent over the past three days.

The hashtag did invite its own fair share of detractors, however, with many people calling out what they perceived as the hypocrisy of the hashtag.

While others questioned the purpose of the hashtag.

Ford herself was subjected to abuse, but did state that she received several e-mails from men who engaged positively with it.

You can read contributions to the hashtag here.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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